Effective Training Playbooks to Grow Your Business.
There are thousands of solar companies to compete with and more are opening up every day. What sets you and your team apart from the rest? Our training programs are customized and branded to help you build a team with a common foundation of renewable energy and industry knowledge, sales and lead-generation skills, and a set of core values that goes a long way for your business.
How it works:
Step 1: discovery and Customization (The playbook)
Your business is unlike any other in the renewable energy industry. While your services and products may be similar, the key to your success is setting yourself apart from others with your unique vision, mission, and culture. As we being our work together, developing a playbook for your teams begins with your brand and culture. We’ll customize our training playbook and curriculum for your company, your market, and the growth trajectory for your team members.
Step 2: Training Academies (The Training)
The Renewable Energy Career Academy provides training academies for your teams and business leaders. We understand that growing companies often do not have the bandwidth, payroll, or personnel to provide a full and effective training program to all of your employees. Once we have developed your training programs and curriculums, we will carry out the initial training academies, ensuring your team is on the same page and establishing a foundation for a well-trained, organized, and educated company.
Step 3: Leadership integration (the Handoff)
Renewable Energy Career Academy programs are intended to integrate our training playbook into the existing training and management processes that you have established in your business. We aren’t here to fill your shoes or step on your toes. Instead, our goal is to help you develop a stronger and more fluid process for training and providing career development whether it is for entry-level employees or senior management. These programs will be customized and branded so you can continue to train and develop your employees long after our services and training materials have been provided to you.
Training Program Playbooks:
Sales and Marketing Playbook
Step up your team’s game with fully customizable and branded training curriculums for your sales and field marketing teams.
Our core training programs are valuable for small teams, large teams, and new companies that are beginning to establish their place among competitors. Customized training curriculums and branded training materials will get everybody on your team on the same page and speaking the same language.
This curriculum begins with entry-level knowledge of the renewable energy technologies, markets, sales and marketing strategies core to your business growth. Comprehensive training guides and sales playbooks will prepare new hires to reach their goals and existing employees to improve their performance.
Each level of training provides a stepping stone on the career path of your team members.
Cross-Departmental Organization, Reporting, and Communication Playbook
Renewable energy business is constantly changing, making it hard to keep up with new metrics and policies.
This program is intended to help your business develop dashboards and reporting systems that will keep leadership informed so they can focus on managing their teams.
Communication is one of the most important facts in a growing business so a big part of this program will be focusing on how to establish and maintain effective communication pathways, meeting agendas, and progress reports to employees in order to maintain a strong culture.
Each level of support in this program achieves an important step towards a well-functioning business.
SMART Goals, Motivation, and Coaching Playbook
The people you hire are the best of the best, and you have the highest expectations for them. But sometimes there is something lost between the manager trying to hit quota and the employees trying to keep their job.
Re-building momentum can be as simple as goal setting, developing more motivation, or may require more of a “coaching” approach.
This program provides a review of your team, so you can keep the employees that you’ve spent your time, energy, and resources on, and revitalize their impact and value added to your company.
Each level of coaching provides a milestone achievement for employees to determine their goals and the path they are dedicated to.